September 10, 11, 12, 2024
Good Afternoon,
On behalf of all of us from the Great Plains Behavioral Health Directors Association and our partners at the Indian Health Service, we would like to invite you to register for the 2024 Behavioral Health Conference. This is an in In-Person event which will be held at the Box Elder Event Center located in Rapid City, South Dakota.
We have an exceptional lineup of speakers, spearheaded by our Keynote/MC Don Lyons, Robyn Gomez, and Chris Cuestas.
We will also have a silent auction during the conference, so if anyone would like to donate to the cause please contact, Lelewis Gipp (lelewis.gipp@ihs.gov). We will also have a limited amount of vendor tables available. If you are interested in one, please contact
Ellen Durkin, her contact information is on the flyer.
Thank you for being wonderful partners and assets to our various communities. With the honor and wisdom of our ancestors thank you!

2024 Conference CEU Information
This event will offer continuing education units (CEU) through NAADAC, South Dakota Board of Addiction and Prevention Professionals (SDBAPP) & South Dakota Board of Social Work Examiners. Please check back for final CEU listing that will be awarded by each agency.
Conference Location:
Box Elder Event Center
631 WaTiki Way
Rapid City, SD 57719

Contact us with any questions or comments about the conference.